Casey At The Bat

               Casey At The Bat.


“Casey at the Bat” is a short sport-themed poem by Ernest Lawrence Thayer about a small, minor league baseball team. In the poem, there is a baseball team called Mudville, and they are losing a game. When it was time to bat, their star player, Casey, went up. From past experiences, Casey was the best player, but this time, he struck out. It seemed that Casey was too overconfident with himself.

 Casey is too confident because he assumes he won’t mess up and strike out. The evidence that supports this is how Casey says, “That ain’t my style’ and ignores the ball twice rather than swinging because he believed that he wouldn’t miss the last pitch, ultimately causing him to strike out.

In conclusion, Casey was too careless, wasn’t aware, and believed it was not possible for him to strike out. In the end, Casey was not thinking about the outcome of not swinging. The message this poem was meant to send was, don’t be overconfident about your level of skill like Casey.

Solomon out. *drops mic*


wonder menu

For this project, we did a wonder bingo where we did different stuff like redesign the cover, making a song about the book, drawing your favourite scene and mxore.

for this project, I drew my favourite scene, wrote about a condition called cerebral palsy, and made a plot diagram.


personally, i think that this project was pretty fun anyways if you want to see the things a made scroll down a bit.





you probably can’t see whats happening so basically jack punches Jullian ss

sorry about it blurry edublog makes it really really really blurry when you insert a picture


it says. I chose this scene because Julian got what he deserved. Julian was being mean and saying bad stuff about August and Jack had enough and punched Julian in the jaw and knocked some of Julians’ teeth out



This is a plot diagram i made of the book.

Here’s my research i did on Cerebral Palsy

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Innovation day 2025

Hello people, I am Solomon. I am writing about the Innovation Day project that my friends, Ollie, Jake, and I made. The theme of the innovation day was bionic implants so we chose a bionic heart which we 3d printed which, for some reason took like 2 weeks because the person who was going to print it kept forgetting to do it. We also made a huge and detailed board. On the board, it had an introduction, how the bionic heart works, what body systems it affects, the ethical concerns, how this technology might change in the future, who uses this technology, and a bibliography. The reason my friends and I chose the bionic heart for our project, was because I did eny miny miny moe, and then told my friends we should do it. We spent altogether around three or four weeks, spending some of it planning, some of it making the board, and some of it waiting for the heart. Overall I had an okay time doing it it was pretty easy but it wasn’t my favourite project because we made models and I would have preferred to have a functioning object which caused there to be not much innovation. I would rate it 6/10.

Thank you for reading. *drops mic* solomon out.




The long-term effect screens have on children and adults.

You probably are not aware of the dangers screens can do to children but they are there and it is a real problem that needs to be taken seriously.  

My name is Solomon. I am doing a public speaking project on the long-term effects that screens have on children. I chose this topic because I think that this is a real problem right now. 

My three main points are that 1 screens can have a huge influence on people’s lives in good ways and bad ways, 2 addictions to screens are real and something needs to be done, 3 and the next generation of adults could have many people with low intellect


Main paragrap

Electronics can be great tools but can also be addictive and bad for developing brains. They can be used for good things like school or work but for many people other stuff like games and more. Because of that screens are not very good for children and can cause blindness except that is a long-term effect though. Yes, I know I am typing this on a computer but that’s just because I am supposed to type this. Research shows that too much screen time can lead to problems in social-emotional development and depression. Research also states that when toddlers use screens it can decrease the words and sentences that toddlers use and cause delayed language development. To avoid this from happening, limit your screen time.  Many doctors suggest two hours a day of screen time on weekends. Screen time can also lead to raging and anger issues. Screen time can also lead to lower intelligence

60 percent of children are addicted to screens. In some situations, it is okay to have excessive amounts of screen time. For example, having a job that requires a software engineer or a movie critic.

Main paragraph 2

Screen time is a huge issue and has an impact on people’s lives and can even lead to mental health issues. Yes, even mental health issues. Before my research, I did not know that. But yes it could do that and many other things to people. They can also cause stress. To avoid this from happening set timers when using screens so you don’t get addicted. Screens are actually more addictive than marijuana😱. It may be too late to stop it though because like I said before it’s more addictive than marijuana.


Main paragraph 3

Here I will talk about what will happen to the next generation of adults.

Some people are so addicted to it that they will explode in rage and have huge temper tantrums whenever somebody tries to take away their device. These people are known as ‘’iPad kids’’.

Will these kinds of people ever mature? Or will they be like this for the rest of their lives? 

If your child is an ‘’Ipad kid’’ then you should slowly slowly decrease the amount of screen time they have by like 5 minutes a day. Will low IQ adults be doing your things like electrical work? 

And other dangerous jobs that could go wrong very easily?



In conclusion, I suggest lowering the amount of screen time your kids get. The reason behind this is there are a lot fewer benefits from screen time than you would think. To stop this from happening, set timers for your children when they are using screens. If you haven’t read the first part the reason for this is that screens are dangerous for developing children. I am not saying how to parent, I am just telling you to consider limiting your children’s screen time. I conclude that screens can be helpful and bad. 


Thanks for reading.


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Ancient rome

Hello, I will reflect on this project. I think that it was useful and I don’t mean to be a show off but I think my artifact is the best one. I also made a pretty good poster. now it’s time to reflect! I am happy with what I did for this project.  especially the Colosseum. In the Colosseum, I had two gladiators and sand. for the poster I made a timeline of the brief history of Rome! I also did a part where I talked about their conflicts and allies. My ebi is Even better if it is my poster. I think that if I tried harder I could do it better. my www what went well is the Colosseum! I think that I did pretty good on this project and I’d be happy to do more projects like this in grade 5. Thanks for reading! ROMMMMMME

blog challenge thing

I’m supposed to write about something that’s happening in the news so… I’m doing it on the Israel-Palestine war. This is a very controversial subject by the way. My opinion on the topic is that Hamas has done horrible terrorism and other stuff but Israel also did some bad stuff too like war crimes, for example blowing up a hospital. That doesn’t mean I’m not on Israel’s side. There are also some other things that Palestine has done like VIOLENTLY protesting on university campuses and even threatening Jews and stuff.

Due to this many Jews are afraid to be proud that they are Jews. I have been following this topic on the news and 60 minutes. It does not affect my family directly but I do know people who have family in Israel and they have been affected. I think that the protesters need to look at the bigger picture because hurting jews is not good.


How rocks are formed

hello, I’m solomon yes me, I did a project on the formation of rocks and even… made a stop-motion. I hope you enjoy the canvas I made and the stop-motion. also, most of the writing is on the canva.

Here is where I do a reflection.

I think that this project was pretty easy and fun. I hope to do more projects like this in the future. I did it alone because I like doing things like building stuff alone. for this example the set for the stop-motion. I also like how if I’m alone nobody is bossing me around and it’s much calmer. Anyway thanks for reading, and watching.